Friday, February 22, 2002
Yessirybob. Me and my goodoldbuddy Kevin went down to Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama. It was E-Day so we got to see a bunch of stuff on engineering. I think i'll go with the software engineering. Kevin, a hard-core Bama fan, felt a lttle intimidated by the biggness of everthing. He says that he could last through college at Auburn without switching over to us good guys. I say he wouldn't last a month. I'm sure Kevin will tell you of our little adventures.

Next in my local news, I went on a field trip Thursday to the McWayne Center in Birmingham. Me and the rest of Mu Alpha Theta Math Club got to play with a bunch of neato little gizmos and toys and stuff. The bad part was that their were a bunch of lttle kids running everywhere too. Then we went to O'Charleys for lunch. We got the nastiest Dr. Pepper ever; something was wrong with the carbination or something. David drank his, so I poured mine in his cup so I can get a better refill. Then Steven poured his in an empty glass on another table. We eventually got some good drinks.

Well i'm now at my grandparents on the farm. They got WebTV. I don't like it and don't recommend it unless you only use email. You can't download anything or do any fancy Java pages. So oh well. I can at least post.
See ya.
This here site is just me talking. To see some other stuff I have up, goto my other page

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