Wednesday, September 26, 2001
Hey there. I have to work tonight. Arby's is a meat-slicing job instead of the usual burger-flipping, so I get a little more variety than the normal fast-food jobs out there. They can't make me use the slicer because I'm not 18 yet, so I do anything else such as front register, drive-through, fry station, wash dishes, or just help make sandwichs.
Well, I better go before I'm late. They can't keep me past 10 on weekdays, so I'm happy.

Yeah, that's it.
This here site is just me talking. To see some other stuff I have up, goto my other page

09/09/2001 - 09/16/2001 / 09/23/2001 - 09/30/2001 / 11/11/2001 - 11/18/2001 / 02/17/2002 - 02/24/2002 / 09/15/2002 - 09/22/2002 / 01/26/2003 - 02/02/2003 / 06/26/2005 - 07/03/2005 / 07/03/2005 - 07/10/2005 /

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