Friday, November 16, 2001
Howdy to all from atop Lookout Mountain, GA. I am at a college preview week-end at Covenant College. I am a senior in high school and I'm just ckecking out a few colleges. The campus is right on top of this big mountain where half is Georgia, and half is Chatanooga, Tennessee. Sometimes a cloud will come by and cover the whole place. I've been here since Thursday afternoon and staying in one of the dorms with some college students. It's pretty cool. They gave me a list of events and classes I can go to, or I can just hang around. There was a Jennifer Knapp concert last night I went to here. It was packed, so I had to lean against the back wall, but I guess it was worth it. I was going to go to some play tonight calles Fools, but there wasn't enought room there for everybody like me, who got a free pass for coming to Preview week. So, I decided to check out the library's computer. The internet is fast, I guess, but there are no speakers and the system won't let me download anything. I can't even get on AIM. I was going to watch the new trailer-teaser for Star Wars Episode II, but it won't let me get Quicktime to watch it. So, after a few sites, I typed in my address and saw that it had been a little while since I last posted, and I thought Hey, why not.

I will leave you for now, but I will try to return and tell you more of my recent life including college, soccer, and a little Irish girl staying with my family.

I'm off to go party. Or sleep.
This here site is just me talking. To see some other stuff I have up, goto my other page

09/09/2001 - 09/16/2001 / 09/23/2001 - 09/30/2001 / 11/11/2001 - 11/18/2001 / 02/17/2002 - 02/24/2002 / 09/15/2002 - 09/22/2002 / 01/26/2003 - 02/02/2003 / 06/26/2005 - 07/03/2005 / 07/03/2005 - 07/10/2005 /

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